PCL Standard (Interchangeable: Rectus 19)
The original quick release coupling. Widely used in garage/automotive sector as well as manufacturing and processing industries.
Maximum flow rate - 43 cfm; Maximum Pressure - 14 bar
Designed for fixed installations
Designed for trailing hose applications
Prevents hoses from whipping when disconnected
Schrader Standard (Interchangeable: Rectus 17, PCL PF)
Also known as "Twist Lock" coupling, the Schrader standard coupling is a very long established, good quality, durable product used in factories across the world.
Maximum flow rate - 50 cfm; Maximum Pressure - 17 bar
Schrader Standard
Genuine Schrader Standard Coupling
Highly competitive
Series 25 (Interchangeable: Rectus 25/26, Cejn 320, Parker Intercheck 35, PCL XF, Tema 1600, Norgren 234/238, JWL 520/530) |
The Series 25 coupling gives you very high flow rates and has become the European standard coupling profile.
Maximum flow rate - 130 cfm; Maximum Pressure - 35 bar
Rectus 25
Incorporates Ultraflow technology
Highly competitive
PCL XF Safety
Two stage self venting release
Claw Couplings (Also known as "Crow's Foot" Couplings
These zinc plated xompressor couplings widely used in construction and on plant around the world.
BSP Threads
US Universal
NPT Threads
Legris C9000 Safety Couplings
A range of ergonomic polymer couplings designed for safety and offering very high flow performance. Disconnection is in 2 stages to prevent accidents.
Maximum Flow Rate - 44-85 cfm; Maximum Pressure - 16 bar
Available with 5.5mm or 8mm bore
Series 25
Interchangeable with Series 25
Other Rectus Couplings
Rectus 23
Conforms to ISO B6
Rectus 27
For use in arduous conditions
Rectus 30
Conforms to ISO 6150 B8
Rectus 95/96
Breathing Air Couplings
Other Couplings
PCL 100
Widely used in garage, automotive and industrial applications
Bayonet Coupling formerly know as Broomwade
For high pressure compressed air or inert gases
ISO A & B Hydraulic Couplings
A range of quick release couplings conforming to ISO A and ISO B for hydraulic and other applications.
Maximum Pressure - 50-500 bar
Interchangeable: Parker6600, Perfecting K, Safeway S56, Snap Tite 61, Tomco A5600, Aeroquip FD56, DNP PAV, Stucchi BIR,
Interchangeable: Hansen HK, Aeroquip 45, Parker 60, Dynaquip DH, Snaptite 72, Faster HNV
Flat Face Hydraulic Couplings
Flat face couplings according to ISO 16028. Suitable for hydraulic and other applications.
Maximum Pressure - 200-315 bar